Self-Reporting A Traffic Accident In Florida

A full traffic accident report can have a significant impact on someone’s ability to prove fault after the crash. This alone is often reason enough for many accident victims to call the police upon being involved in a collision. The reality, however, is that making this call is actually required under Florida law in certain situations. In fact, even when calling the police, who will create an official accident report, isn’t required, accident victims must still self-report their own collisions to the state. These reports can later be used to determine liability, so if you were recently involved in a crash in Florida, but the police didn’t respond to the scene of the accident, you should think about reaching out to an experienced Altamonte Springs car accident lawyer who can help you complete the necessary forms.
When You Must Call the Police
Under Florida law, individuals who are involved in certain kinds of traffic accidents must contact the police as soon as possible. This includes situations where any person is injured or killed, or when the accident resulted in at least $500 worth of property damage. Even minor car accidents can quickly exceed this minimum standard, so most collisions end up getting reported to law enforcement, who will survey the scene and create an official accident report. Eventually, accident victims can obtain a copy of this report when attempting to establish liability for the accident.
When You Need to Self Report Your Crash
Motorists who are involved in collisions in which no one sustained a physical injury, and property damage estimates don’t exceed $500, aren’t legally required to notify the police of the accident. If, however, the crash resulted in any damage to a vehicle (or any other property), the parties involved must report the crash themselves within ten days of the accident. When completing this form, motorists will need to provide specific information, including:
- Details about the date, time, and location of the crash;
- Information about the vehicles involved in the accident;
- The contact information of the drivers and passengers;
- The names and contact information of any witnesses who saw the accident occur; and
- The parties’ insurance information.
Once completed and signed, these forms should be sent to the Department of Florida Highway Safety & Motor Vehicles’ self report crash team. Accident victims should also keep a copy of the report for their own records, as insurers may request it before approving a claim.
Reach Out to Our Dedicated Altamonte Springs Car Accident Legal Team
If you were involved in a car accident, to which the police didn’t respond, you might still need to self-report the crash to the state. For help completing the necessary forms, or to learn more about the kinds of evidence you may need to prove liability for your accident, please call 407-960-1900 and set up a free consultation with one of the experienced Altamonte Springs car accident lawyers at Goldman Law, P.A. today. You can also reach us by completing one of our brief online contact forms.